Международный студенческий конкурс RSA Student Design Awards 2020

Дата / время
Весь день

RSA Student Design Awards


Метки: графический дизайн, дедлайн, промышленный дизайн, средовой дизайн

RSA Student Design Awards — это ежегодный конкурс для студентов и недавних выпускников, проводимый RSA — некоммерческой организацией, занимающейся поиском инновационых, рациональных решений социальных проблем.

В 2019-2020 учебном году конкурс проводится по следующим проблемам:

  1. AI 100
    How might we use AI to support people to reach a happy, meaningful and productive one hundred year life?
  2. Cultivating Community
    How might we reimagine common spaces to build diverse communities through food?
  3. Make Fashion Circular
    How might we use circular design principles to innovate the way we produce, use and access everyday clothing items?
  4. Healthy Routes
    How might we make active travel accessible to the ageing population that will, in turn, make it better for all?
  5. Branching Out
    How might we harness broad-leaved woodlands and their resources to increase their local economic, social and environmental value?
  6. A Platform for Joy
    How might we unlock joy for people at train stations?
  7. Just About Managing 
    How might we enable households and families to be more economically secure?
  8. Dignity in Displacement
    How might we support displaced individuals to find hope, dignity and safety to rebuild their lives?
  9. Moving Pictures
    Conceive and produce an animation to accompany one of the two selected audio files that will clarify, energise and illuminate the content.

Прием работ: до 11 марта 2020 г. 

Подробная информация: https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards