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ProCarton Award
Метки: графический дизайн, дедлайн, промышленный дизайн
На биеннале принимаются плакаты, созданные с мая 2018 по май 2020 года. Каждый участник может отправить суммарно не более 6 работ во все категории биеннале.
- Creative Cartonboard Packaging: Eat & Drink: The focus lies on cartonboard as the most sustainable food and beverages packaging material and its recyclability. Give us a taste of great design!
- Creative Cartonboard Packaging: All other: This category focuses on using the most sustainable packaging material for non-food packaging. Everything needs packaging, have a look around yourself and get inspired!
- Creative Cartonboard Ideas: Think outside the box! Here’s a chance for you to put forward your cartonboard ideas outside of the packaging market.
- Save the Planet: Every minute a truck load of plastics is dumped in the ocean. Show us your ideas as to how cartonboard can reduce or replace plastic and help us save the planet!
- Newcomer’s Award: There will also be an award for the best entry submitted from a university that hasn’t won an award in the past. So if your university or school has not had a winner before, or maybe has never entered before, now’s the time to do so!
Прием работ: до 26 июня 2020 г.
Подробная информация: https://www.procarton.com/awards/pro-carton-young-designers-award/2020/